Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year!

We've survived our South American Christmas travels--traveling by trail, river, road, and air in Guyana, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. We even managed to find quite a few pizzarias and some snow over near Machu Picchu. We head back to Orealla this weekend. The second term starts on Tuesday morning and we have our World Teach Field Director coming to check out our site the following week. We'll probably be back to Corriverton to check email during our spring break in April (maybe sooner depending on the boat schedule). Hope you enjoy the pictures and have an excellent New Year's!
Carrie and Thomas

PS As always, a more detailed picture album is available on our flickr webpage. Feel free to check it out (you don't have to be a member to view the pics.)

Our First Leg of the Journey Was 15+ hrs On This Bus Across Muddy Roads (it's the rainy season right now)

Boats Docked In Manaus, Brazil (ready to head into the rainforest)

Our Cabin On Our Amazon Boat Trip (5 days on the boat!)

If We Hadn't Ordered a Cabin, We Would Have Spent 5 Days Swinging on the Second Deck in Hammocks! (Not so good for a girl who gets seasick!)

Copocabana, Brazil (a beautiful town on Lake Titicaca--the largest, highest lake in the world)

The Upper Deck of The Boat (w/one of main rainstorms in the background)

Motorcycle Taxi at the Bolivia Border

Train Ride in Peru

La Paz, Elevation 12,000+ feet (delightfully chilly!)

Incan Ruins of Machu Piccu, Peru

Friday, December 08, 2006

It's Christmas Break!

Merry Christmas from Guyana. Christmas break has started here already (kinda sweet, our vacation is over three weeks long!) so we're doing some traveling around South America. Since we're back within internet range, we thought we'd post some of our latest pictures from Orealla; for a more complete set, check out our flicker album.

God's blesssings during the holiday season and for the new year!

Thomas & Carrie

End of Term 8th Grade Form Class Christmas Party (chicken chosen & weighed live by Miss Carrie herself!)

Cutlassing our Christmas Tree :)

Agriculture Science Students Preparing The Ground For Our Garden

Thomas and His Girls

A Girl's Best Friend (our favorite dog in Orealla)

Our Newly Constructed Flower Bed

Saturday Morning Ritual: Laundry By Hand On the Back Porch

The Only Way To Get To Orealla; Hammocks Are Essential For Comfort on the 2-8 hour (50 mile) Boat Ride

Carrie In The Middle of Our 14-mile hike/run To Siparuta (a neighboring Amerindian community)